Real Story Of The Fabric 08/21/14



Millions of Color Represents!

The “Raw”



Many years ago before ready to wear industry has established, housewife used to sew her own clothes.


Especially after World War II in Europe, when people have no money to pay for the tailor, to have the knowledge of sewing was the prior qualification of women. Every housewife used to choose fabrics to suitable to their own taste and make their own dresses that reflects their style and grace. In 1950’s fashion magazines was guide to them to learn how to design and teaching them how to become a designer of their own.


 In Turkey 1933 Sumerbank established as the first textile manufacturing factory of the country and later it became the major textile manufacturer and distributer all over the country as well as abroad.


There was a fabric called “American” that all the ladies were crazy about! This magical fabric was so light, healthy (because of it did not exposed to any chemical process like dying, coloring etc.) its texture was naturally come from the cotton leafs, is used mostly for home textiles like bedding, curtains.


The idea of taking this fabric out of my grandma’s archive and create a collection was the sparkling idea of mine and my mom.


 This fabric is not manufacturing for almost decades. Therefore this collection carries the footsteps of the nostalgia, the ecologic existence and it’s purity to today’s modern style.



RAW Collection is available worldwide only in the Millions of Color®’s website for orders now!



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Designer: Kadriye

Production Date: April 2014 Millions of Color®



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